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Just about if he had a full erection, Mistress told me to cease. She ordered him to depart and not return for 2 hours. I simply stood there trying to envision what was to happen next. As soon as the door shut, I found out. The first thing my Mistress did would be to have her clean up as well. I started licking all of the juices. This time I did detect the sexy and tastes aroma. It was strong, but also, very intriguing. Their juices were all over her cunt and legs. I licked out of her protruding and prominent clit to her ass and throughout her thighs. Every time I brushed her clit she let out a moan.
Cybersex may also be done in a multiuser software atmosphere through the use of avatars. It is frequently known as Muse or even netsex in MUDs. In TinyMUD versions, especially MUCKs, the term TinySex (TS) is very common.
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