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Just about when he had a complete erection, Mistress told me to cease. She ordered him to depart and not return for two hours. He dutifully got dressed and left the room. I stood there trying to imagine what was to happen next. As soon as the door closed, I discovered. The very first thing my Mistress did was to get me clean her up as well. I started licking at the juices left behind from their sex play all. This time I did detect the tastes and hot aroma. It was really powerful, but also intriguing. Their juices were all over legs and her cunt. I licked out of her prominent and protruding clit to her ass and all. Every time I slit her clit with my tongue, she let out a moan.

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Cybersex might be accomplished in a multiuser software atmosphere through the use of avatars. It is often called Muse or netsex in MUDs. In TinyMUD versions, especially MUCKs, the expression TinySex (TS) is very common.

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